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Dreams Across Time

In this section, you will find examples of my design skills. I have used design in various mediums, both website based but in different contexts. Each sample will open up to the full image size. I used mainly Photoshop and ImageReady for both sets of images.

National Scenic Byways Mastheads
While working with the National Scenic Byways program, I was asked to work on a set of designs for mastheads for the main website. In this sample, I have included both the progress and finished product of the mastheads. The original size of a picture can be seen, how edits were made and then slotted into the format of the mastheadds. Below will be a link to the main website, where several more examples of the mastheads in use can be seen.

National Scenic Byways Online

Leilani Spa Website Mock-up
While it is not finished, the website mock-up is an example of design skills. The title is taken from the Leilani Design, but the spreading along the edges were incorporated to tie in the feel of the site and each page will host the same design.

Leilani Example




